Class of '56 Reunion 2005 -- Page 6
Photos from Elaine Pruneau Monson

Miss Willy Hawkins creates quite a sensation!

Here's a kiss for you, Dr. Baber!

Miss Willy watches her weight with Chicago style pizza!

Miss Willy is the Dream Girl of passersby.

But he seems to be the Dream Girl of Susan Cowan also.

And Barbara Rahn.

But the entrance of Elvis in is blue suede boots stole the show!

Sharon Heald and Diane Pettingell were moved to respond with Victorian secrets!

Elvis is moved beyond all telling.

Even Miss Willy was titillated...

...and planted a kiss on Elvis's cheek.

The good guy always gets the girl in the end.

Miss Willy shares a birthday with Elvis.

Bill and Holly Hawkins

Holly gives Bill a happy birthday kiss and an extra one for his performance as Miss Willy.

And so ends another joyous reunion of the Class of 1956.
Don't miss out on our Big 50 in 2006 in Chicago!

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