Photographs of the Graduating Class of 1956
From the 1956 Lagoon Yearbook:
     This is the fourth year of Rich Township High School's existence.  Many of
the seniors who graduate this June form the first graduating class to spend
all four years at Rich High.  Although many of the original freshmen are no
longer with us, many still remain.  These students have seen much happen to
Rich High in its first four years.  We have had a part in making the school
what it is today-----and what it will be tomorrow.
     Our freshman year was unique----there were no upperclassmen!  With no
previous classes, no previous traditions, new teachers, and new students,
things were bound to happen.  Memories of this first year will never be
     As we stop to hail the Class of 1956 and salute their departure, we wish to
pay tribute to Dr. Eric R. Baber, our superintendent, who is also
"graduating" at the end of this year-----progressing and advancing after
fine work at Rich High.  We hope our future also will progress and advance.
This, the 1956 Lagoon, is dedicated to you, the Seniors, and our first
superintendent, whose first impression of Rich High was a little church
building with glass walls-----and whose last impression is filled with four
years of crowded and indelible memories. 
     Say, that looks like the United Protestant Church Building. That's where I, a little church mouse, was born almost four years ago. Rich High had just been born too ! There was only one class that year -- 123 freshmen. 
                    Lagoon co-editors, Steve Phillips and Roberta Jacobs


Robert Adcock, Anne Anderson, John Atkins, Joel Aulinskis, Donald Blume
Sue Boardman, Ruth Bohlman, Shirley Bowen, Joe Brooks, Nancy Byrne

Barbara Cederquist, Judie Childers, Michael Clearman, Rosalie Cottingham, Sue Cowan,
Marylin Daly, Marilyn Danis, Thomas Davoren, Arnold DeLuca, James Demas

James Denman, Marjorie Dickinson, Marc Eisner, Robert Fitch, Nancy Floyd,
Richard Ford, Ralph Forlenza, Larry Fuller, Geraldine Gembler, Judy Gibson

Richard Gilliam, Marian Hall, Robert Harding, William Hawkins, Sharon Heald,
Janet Hodes, Martin Horsman, Joseph Howe, Ruth Inman, Karol Kane

Please go to Page 2 for more Graduates Here


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