September 1952 - June 1956
(Thanks to Barbara Teissler for typing out the information.)

Click HERE to see the front page of the very first edition of the Rich High News, September 19, 1952
Click HERE to read all of the Rich High News for the 1952-1953 school year.

See the 1956 Class Will HERE
See the 1956 Class Prophecy HERE

September 19, 1952
Rich High News


Fourteen members of Rich High School's first student council were elected by majority vote last Tuesday in schoolwide elections.

Scheduled to act as the co-ordinator of all extra-curricular activities, the council for the coming year is composed of fourteen members, two from each home room of the school.

Bob Chambers, Larry Fuller, Bill Hawkins, Sharon Heald,  Janet Hodes, Bob Kaad???, Tom Lockwood, Richard Mason, Judy Morell, Elaine Pruneau, Barbara Rahn, June Swift, Mary Ellen Thimblin and Claude Wells were elected.

It is anticipated that the Council members will act shortly on such pressing questions as the formation of a Teen Council for the village of Park Forest, as well as considering the students' wishes on school colors, school songs, school mottoes, and so on.

September 19, 1952
Rich High News


We are new students in a new school, and we have much work in front of us. For one
thing, what will our school colors be?

Blue and gold are too common. What we want is something original but good.
Start thinking, ladies and gentlemen -- it's up to you. Give your ideas to
your Ninth Grade Council representatives.
                                                --- John Staley

October 16, 1952
Rich High News


After over half a dozen ballots over the last two weeks, GREEN and GOLD have finally been chosen for Rich Township High School colors.

We all agree that these colors will look pretty "sharp" on the uniforms, sweaters, jackets, etc. I think that we were very fortunate in being able to pick our own school colors. I'm sure everyone agrees that we have made a wise choice.

'Yay for GREEN and GOLD!!!!

Autumn 1952 -- From an Open Letter to Students

This letter is addressed to all Rich High School students, but especially to those who signed the petition about the school team's nickname. Any proper decision involving a group of people should be made only after consideration of all the facts which concern the decision. Lets' review these facts:

26 names suggested....five names were voted on after a review by the faculty committee of four teachers...

Cavaliers (12)
Rangers (7)
Giants (5)
Ramblers (52)
Rockets (48)
The 52-49 split was not a clearcut victory so another ballot ensued with the results being
Ramblers (60)
Rockets (65)

They decided further balloting would not "break" the tie but it went to the student council, who also were split on votes. It was finally decided by an electoral ballot, wherein the majority of votes in each homeroom was cast as one ballot. Results this time were 5 1/2 for Rockets, 1 1/2 for Ramblers. The one half votes were due to an even split in one home room.

There was a petition attempting to overrule the elected student government. " A Council whose power is given, then taken back, again is one of little value. We must have confidence in our Student Council and it must have confidence in us -- it must know that we approve of its decisions, that we stand behind it."

Evidently the petition failed and we became known as the Rich Rockets.

The first band was also formed this year as were over a dozen clubs including: Pep and Booster, Hobby, Basketball practice, Nature study and Biology, Music, GAA, Reading Club, Photography, Arts & Crafts, Dramatics, Discussion and Ninth Grade Council clubs.


I, Bob Adcock, will my consistant wrestling record to Bill Jacobs.
I, Anne Anderson, leave my sanctioning congeniality to be divided among all my teachers.
I, John Atkins, will the getaway bicycle left to me by Joe McDermott -- the one used in the great gas station job of 1953 -- to Tom Klutznick for use in his home.
I, Don Blume, leave my ability to flirt with girls to Art Bardage.
I, Sue Boardman, leave my ability to dominate men to Bonnie First.
I, Ruth Bohlman, leave my seat on the naughty bench in Mr. Coen's office for good.
I, Joe Brooks, will my candelabra, hair curler, and tooth brush to Phil Hineline.
I, Nancy Byrne, leave my ability to get A's in gym class to Bunny Warneke.
I, Barbara Cederquist, will my lovely form-fitting gym suit to Elaine Wipperman.
I, Judie Childers, leave my ability to captivate theatre audiences to Beth Lindhoff.
I, Mike Clearman, will my class disrupting attitude to Kathy Scott.
I, Myrna Clemens, will my ability to pop pearls that aren't pop-its to anyone who can afford to replace the jewelry broken.
I, Rosalie Cottingham, will my nickname, "the nose," to Kay Engleman.
I, Sue Cowan, leave my ability to fight with teachers to anyone who wants it because Larry told me it wouldn't do me any good at all in college.
I, Marylin Daly, leave....(and she requests no applause, please!)
I, Marilyn Danis, leave my terrific ability and knowledge in economics to Mr. Johnson.
I, Tom Davoran, leave my wolf whistle and practical joke kit to Bill Murray.
I, Arnold DeLuca, will my pure Italian build to Jay Rosenberg.
I, Jim Demas, will my outstanding mile record to Andy "Streak" Michell.
I, Jim Denman, will my brilliant back court ball bawking to Bruce Pradin.
I, Marjorie Dickinson, leave my ability to play the harpsichord to Bill Rodman.
I, Marc Eisner, will my physics wizardry to Jim Rust, who might conceivably struggle along without it.
I, Bob Fitch, will my down field blocking ability to Mike Phillips.
We, Dick Ford and Don MacLagan, will our aptitude for formal running to Mr. Jelinick's next year's wrestlers.
I, Ralph Forlenza, will my pedestrian polo playing record to Paul Keese.
I, Larry Fuller, leave the school nothing -- I'm taking her to Cornell with me.
I, Gerry Gemler, will my muscles to Steve Graber, because he nees them more than anyone else at Rich.
I, Judy Gibson, leave my hair to Mr. Janota.
I, Georgia Gaddy, will my first name to Mr. Harvey.
I, Bob Harding, leave Rich High with the thought that it has two more Hardings to put up with.
I, Bill Hawkins, leave my Bavarian drinking stein to Coach Burghardt.
I, Sharon Heald, leave my smooth dancing boyfriend to Arthur Murray.
I, Janet Hodes, will my job at the shoe checking counter to any underclassmen with a stronger stomach than mine.
I, Ruth Ann Inman, will my forwardness and noisiness to Jean Nicholl.
I, Karol Kane, will my ability to tackle football players to Joyce Allen.
I, Michele Kearney, will to any girl with enough nerve to take it, my room in the boy's dorm at Southern Illinois State. Just register as Michael Kearney.
I, Roger Kelly, leave my used coupons from Small Brothers gas station to Paul Keese.
I, Jim Key, will my Bible to Coach Sloan for use in next year's basketball game against Bloom.
I, Betty Lawrence, will my leftover "good conduct" points in gym class to my brother Andy. It seems he really needs some.
I, Tom Lockwood, leae my constant thirst...for knowledge, to Dick Tanis.
I, Liz Logrbrinck, will my progress in extracurricula activities to Kathy Planner.
I, Rose Louise, will my bowling average to Mary Louise Bretz.
I, Andy Lundquist, leave my aptitude for clowning to Bill Mayhew.
I, Cordelia Lundquist, leave my little black book. If you want it, find it.
I, Bob MacLagan, will my winning smile to Kim Gaines.
I, Dick Mason, leave my rugged individualism to Tom Louise.
I, Virginia Matthews, will my blue wrestling shoes to anyone who wears a size 15 shoe.
I, Jack Matthies, will my ability to retain complicated physics' concepts--while sleeping--to Dick Bettenhausen.
I, Ruth Matthies, leave my thoughts of Tinley Park to Campe.
I, Bess Mayhew, will my poison pen to the Editor of next year's Rich High News.
I, Joy Mayhew, will my wrestling ability to John Oitzsinger, so that he will be able to get higher scores in his matches.
I, Bruce McKenna, leave to Jerry "Moose" Felton my height, in hopes that in his senior year he will be able to reach the water fountain.
I, Charlene McLoughlin, leave my amazing abilities for good behavior in Choir to Jane Guess.
I, Curt Meschke, will my sleeping ability in Mr. Mac's third period English class to Tony Petullo.
I, Vicki Meyers, will my Chemistry notes to Mr. Hunter, who might someday be able to translate them.
I, Judy Miller, leave my terrific English grades to my brother.
I, Don Milligan, will the two malts I owe Mr. Minerick to Chuck Terry.
I, Judy Morell, leave my henna rinse to Marie Greer.
I, Mike Nicolai, will my Wildroot hair tonic to Mr. Janota.
I, Jon Nilan, will all my football skill to Bob Jones.
I, Jackie Novak, leae my excellent grades to Barb Douglas so she can breeze through high school as I did.
I, Roy Oliver, leave the coveted "Ollie" award to Lloyd Rose.
I, Ann Perez, will my dancing abilities to Frank Joseph.
I, Jan Peterson, will my ability to talk my way out and into so quickly to Bobbie Blight.
I, Diane Pettingell, leave my cat to Gerry Young for further study.
I, Steve Phillips, will my 100% solid steel plated, cast iron stomach and lead lined track shoes to Mike, my brother, and Scott Stanfield.
I, Earl Piepenbrink, also leave nothing, I just want to leave.
I, Sharon Pierce, and I, Marge Thompson, will our corridor passes to Mrs. Borque.
I, Bob Purcell, leave my facility for summing up undesirable situations in short, concise words to Lloyd Rose.
I, Barbara Rahn, leave my ability to write letters and talk during class to Kathy Scott.
I, Ken Randell, leave my brother to suffer another year in high school.
I, Don Ransford, leave my National Honor Society seat unsat in.
I, John Reavley, will my shyness with girls, and books, to Jack Black.
I, Gail Robertson, will my two front teeth to Dave Becker.
I, Phil Rose, will my skillful lab techniques to Clarence Nykl.
I, Ted Rosensweig, leave a few of my extra muscles to Jerry Felton, hoping that with Bruce's height "Moose" will be able to turn on the water fountain.
I, Bill Ryan, leave my brother's gambling debts to Tom Klutznick.
I, Harold Saberhagen, will my intricate plans for an atomic disintergrater gun to the A.E.C.
I, Carol Sanger, will all my corridor passes to lunch and my place in the lunch line to Mrs. Liebler.
I, Bonnie Scheffler, will my drum majorette hat to Gloria Benson and may she have less trouble keeping it on that I did.
I, Larry Scott, leave my position closest to the gutter in the hitch-hiking brigade to Shadow Thomis.
I, Bill Sedlacek, will my shot put records to my heir apparent, Jack Black.
I, Ray Simmons, leave my taste for shaving cream to Bob Eiben.
I, Al Smith, will all of my dead fish and sea horses to Mr. Grismer for dissection.
I, Andrea Smith, will my fear of boys to Jan Stewart.
I, John Staley, leave my free spending ways to Bill Martin.
I, Janice Stelter, will my back seat in Latin class next to Ray Wise to Joyce Allen.
I, Lee Stanfield, will my outstanding ability to get along with teachers to Tom Acton.
I, Barbara Swartzel, leave my Pep Club emblem to any "R" Man who wants it.
I, Mary Ellen Thimblin, will my low masculine voice to Tom Johnson.
I, Walt Tousey, leave my civies to any future cadet.
I, Arlene Trottier, will my manners while chewing gum to Judi Andre.
I, Ron Tschudy, will my long-distance phone bills to Jim Branch.
I, Elaine Umland, will my ability to get term papers in on time to Maggie Kneafsey.
I, Bob Wainwright, leave my parking place in the Westwood Circle never to return.
I, Jim Warren, leave my problems to my Senior Problems teacher, Miss Keller.
I, Bob Wehling, leave the cross country race I never ran to George Meredith.
I, Claude Wells, leave my antique switchblade collection to Millie.
I, John White, will my ability to wise-off in Mr. Grismer's class to Mike Everett.
I, Dick Whittington, will my athletic ability to Bob Eiben, hoping that some day he will be able to run faster, jump higher and to make more baskets.
I, Ruth Ann Wigley, will all of the diet pills I have taken in the last four years to my sister, Susan.
I, Ed Wiley, leave my freshman attendance record to Larry Benzie and Jim Spenser.
I, Donna Wilson, will a pair of roller skates to make the daily rounds of  class rooms to pick up the absent sheets to any future office aide.


Teachers and friends:  We hope we still have some left. We would like you all to use your imagination for the next few minutes and imagine that the time is 2256 and that we here are members of an archeological expedition returned from the Seven Lost Continents to our homes in Atlantis.

But first let us acquaint you with the event that caused what was thought to be the complete destruction of the civilized world.

The primary cause was the scientific battle of the century between Dr. PHILLIP ROSE and JOHN "Wizard" WHITE, to see who would be the first to develop the sound that would go faster than airplanes. Dr. Rose, ably assisted by his devoted laboratory technician, Dr. ANDREA SMITH, appeared to be gaining the upper hand. "Wizard" sensed this and ventured to tamper with Daslosvokitche's  Principle of Multiple Fission of the newly discovered element Czechloslovakiaum.

When the announcement of this daring but perilous experiment was made known to the world it reached the ears of the International Director of Nuclear Safety, BOB WAINWRIGHT. Frantically, he tried to call the desperate White to warn him of his folly. By chance, however, he was connected with BARBARA RAHN, switchboard operator, who persisted in telling him her favorite jokes while precious hours ticked by.

At last, the gallant F.B.I. man, ARNOLD DE LUCA, was ordered to drag Miss Rahn away from her station at the switchboard and the call was finally put through. But not, however, before the worst happened - one of White's rare miscalculations occurred and the entire planet seemed to disintegrate in a huge mushroom cloud. Everything was destroyed. Everything that is -- except the indestructible "HOUSE THAT BABER BUILT" which was transported intact to Atlantis, which had reappeared through the force of the explosion.

The building was empty except for a few science books and HAROLD SABERHAGEN who had slept through the 1956 graduation exercises and had remained undisturbed through thirty years of activity at the school.

Sabe gathered the knowledge in the books at his disposal and constructed an immense cyclotron. This machine, together with  his application of binary fission, enabled him to reproduce himself and become the father his country. His next step was to found the Saberhagen Institute for Advanced Study from which we now make our report.

It was found, after the radio-active dust cleared away, that the world had not actually been destroyed, but merely submerged. After the waters receded it was therefore necessary to send an expedition to the Lost Continents to find traces of what was called modern society and recover any tangible evidence that could be brought back.

The group was headed by Leif Reav1ey, the adventurous explorer and great grandson of JOHN REAVLEY, who was quite an explorer in his own right. We will present our finding which include those books with the following authors and titles: “The Man With the Golden Thumb" by WILLIE RYAN, "Inside the State of Georgia,” by JIM DENMAN, Professor WILLIAM HAWKINS “Comp1ete Dictionary of Grammatical Usages", "Wild Adcocks I Have Known," by JOY MAYHEW, "Metaphysics and YOU,” by ED WILLEY, "What to Do and See in Tennessee,” by TOM LOCKWOOD, BRUCE MC KENNA'S doctoral dissertation on “How To Get Your Term paper in On Time", and "True Romance Magazine,” edited by BOB FITCH.

Found in the rubble was a law book of cases that came before the court of his Honor Judge THEODORE "Paddy" ROSENZWEIG. Here are some of the less obscured passages. The case of the State vs. Dr. DICK WHITTINGTON successfully tried for malpractice as the result of leaving his surgical instruments inside his last patient. The People vs. Miss DIANE PETTINGELL arrested for illegally trying to enter West Point disguised as a boy. The case of SEDLACEK, traveling Maidenform salesman vs. MATTHIES, head bouncer at JIM KEYS'  Sexton’s Lounge. SEDLACEK  brought suit against MATTHIES for injuries sustained while being thrown out of the establishment for alleged rowdiness.

Another item of prime importance: we found a newspaper dated September 23, 1986. Headlining the News is the announcement by Senator RYAN, famous for his anti-gambling crusades, that he will back AL SMITH in his sixth attempt to secure a presidential nomination. Others supporting SMITH'S candidacy are JANICE STELTER, head of the Women's Christian Temperance League, WAYNE MC INTYRE, leader of the Civil Air Patrol, world renown finger painter, EARL PIEPENBRINK, ED REESE, former president of the Reptile Association of Cook County, CAROL SANGER, head of the United Mine Workers and MICHELE KEARNEY, noted Irish poetess and author of "Flannagan's Wake.”

Also on page one is the declaration by MARC EISNER, Ambassador to Brooklyn, that the U.S. is cutting off diplomatic relations with that state. Other news had RON TSCHUDY, South American banana plantation owner, and DON RANSFORD, zipper tycoon, announcing a step-up in production.

JOE BROOKS is in his tenth record breaking week over at Midway Airport Yellow Hangar. His plane stylings are said to be superb, says ANNE ANDERSON who saw his last Thursday night show. It was Anne who scooped the entertainment writers of the country by revealing the identities of the Old Gold dancing cigarettes as BOB HARDING, MICKEY HALL, JUDY GIBSON AND GERRY GEMLER. Appearing on the same program with Joe is the husband and wife dancing team of PHILLIPS and HEALD.

A husband and wife team engaging in a somewhat different activity are featured at Rainbow Arena on the main event where the tag team match features BOB WEHLING and JUDY MILLER against DON MILLIGAN and MARILYN DANIS.

On page two of the entertainment section we see that the circus has come to town and that famous brother and sister trapeze act the Flying MAC LAGANS.

In the novelty event of the season over at the Coliseum we find that after 786 consecutive hours ROGER KELLY, KARL KRAUTER, BETTY LAWRENCE, ROSE LOUISE, MIKE CLEARMAN, and SHIRLEY BOWEN are still engaged in the World Championship Dance Marathon.

We regret to say that the rest of the paper has been ravaged by this time to such an extent that its yellowed pages are no longer readable.

We have another document which should prove of interest to scholars---a genuine portion of the commercial section of the phone book where LARRY SCOTT'S Beauty Parlor advertises that “we can make a young colt out of an old 45.” TOM DAVOREN’S Gas Station where LIZ LOGRBRINCK and BARBARA SWARTZEL are employed as chief mechanics. BARBARA TIESSLER'S home grown magnolia stand. VIRGINIA MATTHEWS, Dr. of Rare Maladies, ADCOCK’S Rest Haven, located in scenic Gary, 700 pool tables, no cold beer, call ROY OLIVER for reservations. RAY SIMMONS' Modern Funeral Home, "Embalming While You Wait".  GEORGIA GADDY and CHARLENE MC LOUGHLIN greeters, and their certified hearse driver, RALPH FORLENZA. DICK FORD'S Wrecking Co. who reports, “We are capable of destroying anything.”
Also there is JAMES DEMAS, gigolo, available at special week-end rates.

In the want ads, the very last item from the advertisement section we find this want ad: Larry come home, Pizza Palace failing, your steady rolling hand needed. --SUE COWAN.

Two more relics of the past which because of their size and immense value we have decided not to bring before you is the golden man hole cover that bears this inscription ---to DONNA WILSON for thirty years of meritorious service with the sanitation department, and lastly, and perhaps the most definite proof of all that this earlier civilization actually existed is the missing link that unites our age with the past incontrovertibly. We have in our possession one JOHN ATKINS preserved for posterity in a bottle of formaldehyde, symbolizing the glory of the old world.

With this final achievement we hope that we have given you a clearer picture of what life was like back in the days of the motorcar.

General WALT TOUSEY is quoted as advocating a lowering of the' minimum draft age to twelve. On page eight we find that JOHN STALEY, nationally beloved philanthropist has given another tem million dollars to SUE BOARDMAN’S Calumet City Orphanage.

On the society page we read that cinema actor BOB PURCELL, the successor to James Dean, is being sued for bigamy by his eighth wife, starlet SHARON PIERCE. Already gossip columnist, BESS MAYHEW, said that opera singer JANET HODES is the irrepressible Purcell IS next objective. This contradicts the rumor that golf-pro RUTH ANN WIGLEY was next in line.

Another bit of society news features MIKE NICOLAI, head of Scotland Yard, and his wife, JANET PETERSON, who are vacationing in New York.

A vacation of different sorts is being taken by big time mobster DON BLUME and his infamous gun moll, KAROL KANE, who are pictured leaving the plane for South America in order to escape charges of tax invasion leveled by district Attorney, NANCY BYRNE.

In religious news, CLAUDE WELLS, noted missionary, stated that he will offer his services to combat sin and vice in Calumet City.

The sport page contains these headlines---CURT MESCHKE cracks three minute mile for fourth time at JON R. NILAN Memorial Athletic Field. VICKI MEYERS throws shot 73’ 6’ 4” to equal her own world record. LEE STANFIELD, head of U.S. Olympic Team, pleads to citizens to send their money so that Miss Meyers will be able to attend the games as part of the regular squad. JIM WARREN, star guard for the Boston Ball Hogs, pours in 73 points as team loses 222 to 73. Jockey, DON MONTGOMERY rides six winners at Aqueduct to increase his seasons total to 348.

In the local news, GAIL ROBERTSON, head of the League to Promote Industrial Reform in Matteson, and ELAINE UMLAND, head of Park Forest Long Shoremen, are meeting with JOE HOWE, the international shipping and transportation magnate, in order to resolve their differences on the question of a guaranteed annual year.

Head of Park Forest Wildlife and Forestry, JUDIE CHILDERS, announces that it is open season on all grizzly bears found in the area.

In the entertainment section we read that CORDELIA LUNDQUIST, be-bop singer and her accompanist ANDY LUNDQUIST, jazz flutist, are headlining the bill at the Blue Note.

(Thanks to Michele and Marc Eisner for the Class Will and Prophecy.)


All World Rights Reserved. Copyrighted ©2002-2003, Rich Township High School Class of 1956