Jackie Novak Peacock -- What's a party without balloons?
Jackie and Pete Skinner
Tom Lockwood, Ken Werk and Jim Brownlee
Jack Stimis, Jim Denman, Don MacLagan, Ralph Forlenza, John Reavley
and Nancy Forlenza
June Swift Ewing and Arnold DeLuca
Marc Eisner and Jerry Felten
Barbara Teissler Parker, John Rapasky and June Swift Ewing
John McLoughlin and Jack Stimis
Susan Cowan Jakubiak, June Swift Ewing and Butch Johnston.
Butch Johnston, June Swift Ewing, Jim Denman, Georgia Gaddy Denman.
Karol Kane Johnston, June, Karol's daughter Pam, with Karol's son-in-law
and granddaughter.
Front: John Reavley and Bob Chambers, Back: Jim Denman, Elaine Pruneau
Monson, Tom Lockwood
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